Student Handbook


The school staff and AEC welcome you to White Mountain School. This is your school and we hope you will take a full and active part in all the classes and activities offered. This handbook is published so that you, the students and parents, will have a happy and enjoyable learning experience at White Mountain School. The teachers here care about young people. They feel that social and academic growth will provide you with an opportunity to make yourself a better person, while at the same time prepare you to meet life’s oncoming challenges. If you are a parent, we ask you to provide support and encouragement to your children and the staff.

Every student is expected to make every effort to practice self-discipline. 


  • Be on time and attend all classes.

  • Participate willingly and show a positive attitude.

  • Treat all persons and property with respect.

  • Work hard to learn.

  • Submit completed assignments on time.

  • Follow the directions of the teachers and staff members.

  • Be drug, alcohol, and tobacco free.

  • Comply with the policies of the BSSD School Board, the AEC, and the school.

Students who choose not to follow these expectations shall be liable for disciplinary action following school policy. 

Social Conduct

Showing consideration and respect for yourself, your fellow students and all staff members, leads to emotional growth as well as maturity in society. Socially acceptable actions are expected of all students while attending this school. Your actions that are practiced here are carried over into work and life after school. Remember that reputations can be enhanced or damaged by the actions you exhibit toward associates within the school. 

Freedom of Speech and Assembly

Students are entitled to express their opinions as long as this expression is not demeaning or disrespectful of others and does not interfere with the freedom of others to express their views. The use of obscenities is prohibited.

Students have the freedom to assemble peacefully. There is an appropriate time and place for the expression of opinions and beliefs. Conducting demonstrations which interfere with the operation of the school or classroom are inappropriate and prohibi


Regular attendance at school is necessary if students are to gain full benefit from their educational opportunities.  Regular attendance means the student is in school every day unless they are ill or on a school sponsored trip. The primary responsibility for good attendance rests with the family; however, parents and school staff should work together to encourage excellent attendance. It is also the responsibility of the school to inform the parent or guardian of their child’s attendance record and to cooperate with the home in bringing about better attendance.  (BSSD uses a call out system to notify parents if a student has been marked absent.  When a student is absent due to illness, parents should notify the school as soon as possible that the student is ill so the absence can be marked as a Health absence.  If students are absent for multiple days for the same illness, the school should be notified each day that the student remains ill.)  It is the responsibility of the  principal to determine whether an absence NOT due to family emergency  is excused or unexcused. (remove)  Family emergencies and religious activities are examples of absences that are the responsibility of the Superintendent or principal to determine whether the absence is excused or unexcused.  Students may also use up to 10 days of subsistence leave.  Subsistence leave must be requested ahead of time by completing a Subsistence Leave Form noting the days the student will be absent.  These forms can be picked up at our school office.


For elementary students attendance is taken once in the morning and again after lunch.  For MS/HS students attendance is taken each period. Attendance is taken within the first 10 minutes of class.  Students who are not present are marked absent.  If students arrive promptly, teachers will notify the office to  change that absence to a tardy.   Students who are over 20 minutes tardy to class will be counted(remain as counted) absent.  For elementary students, this means that if a student is over 20 minutes tardy, he/she will be counted absent for the entire morning  in which the tardy occurred.   Students who receive 3 or more tardies in a Monday - Friday week will be placed on gym list for the day of the 3rd tardy.  Additional tardies during that week will result in additional days on gym list.

Students must maintain an 80% attendance record to be eligible for student activities. This eligibility is checked at each mid and end quarter.  The 80% rule applies to attendance during the half quarter period prior to the date of mid or end quarter. .  In addition, to be eligible for  travel the students may not have more than four tardies in a week, which will be tracked Monday through Friday.  For example: if a student has one tardy on Monday, one on Tuesday, and two on Wednesday then they may not have any more if they want to participate or travel with the school group that weekend. On a student participation/game day, student athletes must be on time to school and to all classes. An athlete that is tardy or absent during the school day on the date of travel will not participate in the activity. Extenuating circumstances and pre-excused absences authorized by the principal will be considered. 

Good attendance is a key element to student success.  We are required to notify parents in writing once students have 5 absences.  Parents of students with excessive absences may receive a referral for the violation of the Alaska Compulsory Attendance statute  to be made to the Nome District Attorney. All persistent truancies will be documented in writing to the  Superintendent for action.  

PowerSchool Gradebook Access


 You may check your students’ progress online.  Go to, on the right side of the screen click QUICK LINKS and a drop down menu will appear.  Click PowerParent.    Log in with the username/password the school has provided for your student.  Please call the school if you need your students’ username and password.

Student Body

All students who are enrolled are members of the student body and are eligible to participate in all extra curricular activities provided they meet attendance and scholastic eligibility rules. High school students may elect student council representatives if they decide to.  

Use of School computers

School computers are to be used for educational purposes. All students will be given a BSSD  e-mail account which will enable them to login to district Chromebooks. Students must have adult permission before accessing e-mail or the Internet and have an adult present while doing these activities. Any student not following the BSSD policies governing Internet usage will lose their computer privileges for a set amount of time. All student computer use will be monitored through the use of Go Guardian. 

Personal Electronic Devices

Cell phones, iPads, earbuds, personal laptops, and other personal electronic devices are not allowed during school hours per BSSD policy. Items such as these should be left at home.(or in the front office.)  The BSSD policy is as follows:  

(BP 5138) Portable electronic devices are NOT permitted, except under the use guidelines consistent with this policy and does not interfere with the educational process or with safety and security.

Personal electronic device use will be permitted before and after school in common areas.  Portable electronic devices shall not be turned on or used in any way: (1) during other  school sponsored and supervised group activities during the school day (assemblies, awards, ceremonies) (2) when their use is prohibited by school personnel.

During school and school sponsored activities, students will comply with this policy and with administrative and staff member directives regarding use.  Students who refuse to do so are subject to disciplinary action.

Students will receive one warning to put away electronic devices.  White Mountain School gives this warning to all students at the beginning of the year student assembly. Following that warning the following actions will be taken:

  1.  First Offense:  Device will be held in office for parent pick up. Student will receive one day gym list.

  2. Second Offense:  Device will be held in office for parent pick up.  Student will receive one after school detention of 15 minutes and two days gym list.

  3. Third Offense:  Device will be held in office for parent pick up.  Student will receive one after school detention of 30 minutes and will be gym listed for five days.

  4. Fourth Offense:  Device will be held in office for parent pick up.  Student will receive one after school detention of 30 minutes and will be gym listed for five days. Student will lose eligibility for one week.

In addition to these rules, the following actions are strictly prohibited and may result in further disciplinary action:

  1.  Accessing or viewing an internet site that is blocked or prohibited to students at school.

  2. Sending an email, text, or other communication that harasses, intimidates, threatens, bullies, or discriminates against another individual.

  3. Taking, sending, or downloading or uploading a harassing, threatening, or inappropriate photograph of anyone.

  4. Using any cell phone/smartphone or camera to take photos in a restroom, locker room, dressing room,  or take a photo of anyone who has asked you not to.

  5. Using a camera or other recording device to record or capture the content of tests, assessments, homework, or classwork without expressed prior permission from the instructor.

  6. Hacking or intentionally obtaining, accessing, or modifying files, passwords, or data belonging to other individuals.

The contents of any cell phone, camera, or other portable electronic device may be searched to determine ownership, to identify emergency contacts, or upon reasonable suspicion that a school or district rule or the law has been violated.

Alcohol, marijuana, illegal Drugs, VAPES and Tobacco

It is against district and school policies for anyone to use or possess tobacco, alcohol, (vapes), or illegal drugs on school property. Possession or use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs will be dealt with according to the school discipline policy in conjunction with the BSSD policy and the ASAA Citizenship Rule. First offense will carry a 10 day interscholastic activity suspension. Students are prohibited from using or possessing any  marijuana, vapes or tobacco products on school property or during school sponsored functions. In addition, the AEC has determined that any student who is caught using alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs will be given a minimum three days suspension, two weeks of gym list and contact with VPSO.   Students may not practice with their teams during that time (ASAA) and will not be allowed to travel for sports or academics while gym listed. Any other occurrences will result in further disciplinary action.

Athletic/Academic Teams

Students who meet eligibility requirements may participate on school teams. To be eligible, a student must have at least an 80% attendance rate (per half quarter) and be making adequate effort and progress in their content areas. Adequate progress is maintaining a C or above average in all classes. Students may not have any missing assignments in PowerSchool.  Assignments are checked each Wednesday to verify if students are in need of Study Hall prior to practice or activities.  Failure to meet eligibility will result in suspension from academic and athletic activities until the next eligibility check, which is done at the middle and end of each quarter. Failure to complete an eligibility slip by 5:00 pm on Wednesday will place student on the gym list until slip is turned in.  

When a student is on a team, s/he represents the village and school. The way s/he behaves is a direct reflection on our entire school and village; therefore, it is essential that all students act their very best during the school day and at all activities.  Failure to act in a responsible manner could result in the student being sent home from an activity or disqualified from an activity or further travel.  Students who are placed on the gym list are not permitted to travel.  Participating on a team means participating in all practices for which the student is eligible unless excused in advance by the coach or principal.   Students must have a C or above in all classes to participate in academic/athletic activities and to travel (*2/6/23).     All coaches follow the ASAA ruling requiring a minimum of 10 practices to be eligible for participation in a game and/or travel.  Once all eligibility criteria have been met it is coaches’ discretion to determine which players will participate.

Public Use of School Facilities

All non-student groups must request use of school facilities at least one week in advance with the principal. All non-student activities are subject to a usage fee for the school facilities as outlined by district board policy.  Any fund raising activity taking place on school property must pay a fee equal to 15% of the gross gate. Users are responsible for any damages incurred during their use of the facilities and for clean up after the event.  

School Cafeteria

Breakfast and lunch are served each day.  Breakfast begins at approximately 8:20 AM and is served until 8:50 AM. The service window will close at 8:50 am.  Lunch schedules are determined by the teaching staff to accommodate each teacher’s class. Adults and guests need to advise the cooks that they will be eating lunch that day unless they routinely eat at the school. Adult lunch is at 12:05 PM. Payments should be made to the school secretary or principal prior to getting a lunch tray.  Food, drinks, and dishes will not be removed from the lunchroom except by prior approval of the cooks or principal. 

Use of School Telephones

School phones are for business use. A student-use phone is located outside of the student store in the cafeteria area. Students are allowed to make local calls for emergency purposes, but should limit their calls to emergencies only.

Study Hall

The school provides study hall on most school days from 3:45 PM to 5:00 PM.  The study hall is open for all students who need extra help with schoolwork. Assigned study hall time must be completed before students will be allowed to participate in evening gym activities or extracurricular sports activities.  Students will be assigned study hall for assignments that are not turned in on time.  Students who are assigned to or voluntarily use study hall should come to study hall with all materials needed such as books, paper, pencils or pens, calculators, and workbooks or worksheets. Students will not be allowed to routinely leave study hall to visit their lockers, use the telephone, visit friends, etc. Noise such as e-mail, talking, and music will disrupt others who are studying and will not be allowed. Teachers will be available to answer questions students may have concerning their assignments.

The gym list will be written at 5 p.m. and will be in effect for the remainder of the evening.  The list will be posted on the office window.

Gym List

It is school policy that students who are absent from school for all or part of the day may not attend gym activities that evening. The gym list also includes students who have study hall time remaining, are not current in their coursework, or have misbehaved.   

The AEC approved exceptions to these rules are:

1. Students who return to the village from a school sponsored trip may attend gym that evening provided they have attended school for the remainder of the school day after their return.

2. Students who return from a trip outside for medical or dental reasons may attend gym that evening provided they have attended school for the remainder of the school day after their return.

3. The principal has the right to make exceptions for situations that result from extraordinary circumstances not of the students’ making. The principal and AEC members may consult to determine if the situation deserves an exception.

School Visits

Parents, guardians, and community members are encouraged and invited to visit the school.  All visitors must enter through the front door of our school.  Please check in with the office upon arrival to ensure that any class you wish to visit is not testing.  This will minimize distractions while students are taking any tests.  The staff will endeavor to make time to meet with parents/guardians whenever they need to; however, teacher conferences should be planned for after school hours so as to minimize disruption of classroom activities.

Counseling Services

Counseling, academic and emotional, is available through our school counselor.  Students may also be assisted through the Village Based Counseling program, which is run by the Norton Sound Health Corporation.  Please call the principal in case of an emergency and she will notify counseling services.

Night Gym

Our gym is open based on an AEC approved schedule for students and community members to enjoy the recreational opportunity.  Hours of operation are based on participant age.  A schedule is posted on school doors.  Children under the age of 3 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible person age 13 or older.  Unattended children will be told to leave.  Our no tobacco, vapes, alcohol, or illegal drug possession rule applies at all times on our campus, including for adults visiting night gym.  Adults should refrain from using tobacco or vape products once inside the fenced school yard area (within 50 feet).  Those found to have alcohol or  drugs in their possession will be asked to leave the property and may be restricted from returning. Entering our school while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is forbidden and may result in a one year restriction from school property and the involvement of law enforcement.  

No outside shoes are allowed on the gym floor.

Students who come to night gym are expected to follow the same expectations staff would have for them during the school day.  Students are to be kind to one another and reflect good sportsmanship as a reflection of the values of the school and community.  Students are expected to listen and follow directions.  Bullying will not be tolerated.  Night gym should be a safe and enjoyable time for all participants.  Students who are not displaying good sportsmanship and behaviors may be asked to leave.  Any serious infractions will bring consideration of consequences from the principal the next school day.  If any physical fights occur, gym will be closed for the remainder of the night.  Once students exit the gym, they are to leave the school building.  Any students who do not follow the directions will be placed on the next day’s gym list.


We are excited to have new playground equipment at our school.  Students should follow the same behavior rules on the playground that they would follow inside the school building.  In order to maintain a safe, clean environment for our students to play we ask that all students pick up after themselves and keep the playground area free of any litter.  Students are to use the playground equipment as it is intended to be used.  This means no climbing on top of the playground roof or other equipment  and/or jumping off.  School staff monitor students on the playground during PE or recess times within our school hours of 8:55 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Playground is not monitored by school staff outside school hours.  Any use after school hours becomes the parents’ responsibility to supervise their children.


  • Bullying - Repetitive, intentional hurting of another person

  • Harassment - threatening, harmful, or humiliating conduct that limits a students’ ability to participate in school learning and activities

  1. First Offense

    1. Discipline log, one day on gym list/no practice/no student store

    2. Teacher/Principal/Student/parent conference

  1.  Second Offense

    1. 1 week gym list/no practice/no student store

    2. Principal/Student/Parent 

    3.  After school detentions with Principal or teacher

  1.   Third Offense

    1. Additional days on gym list/no practice/no student store

    2. Principal/Student/Parent conference

    3.  After school detentions with Principal or Teacher

    4. Possible OSS


Disruption of Education/Defiance/Destruction of Property

  1. First Offense

    1. Verbal warning by staff member

  1. Second offense

    1. Discipline log entry

    2. Sent out of the room under supervision until ready to be a productive student again

    3. No student store/Gym list/no practice

    4. Parent contact

  1. Third Offense

    1. Discipline log entry

    2. After school detention  

    3. no student store for three days/gym list three days/ no practice 

*Any hitting, kicking, etc is handled at a Second Offense Level.

 JR High

Disruption of

Education/Defiance/Destruction of Property


1. First Offense

a.Verbal warning 


2. Second Offense

a.Discipline log entry

b.Sent to office until ready to be a productive student again

c. No student store/Gym list/no practice

d. Parent contact


3.Third Offense

a.Three days gym list/no practice/no student store

b. After school detention with Principal or Teacher

C.  Parent Contact

*Some offenses warrant additional consequences. Examples include but are not limited to fighting, alcohol/tobacco/vaping, etc.

HS Disruption of Education/Defiance/ Destruction of Property

  1. First Offense

    1. Verbal warning


  1.  Second offense  

    1. Two days Gym list/ no practice/no student store

    2. Parent contact & log entry

    3. After school detention  

    4. No extra-curricular activities for the two days

  1.   Third Offense

    1. One week of gym list/no practice/no student store

    2. No extracurricular activities for week

    3. Parent contact and log entry

    4.  After school detention with Principal or Teacher


*Some offenses warrant additional consequences. Examples include but are not limited to fighting, alcohol/tobacco/vaping, etc.

Revised/AEC approved 1/22/25